Archive for Wedding Dinner

A Multitude of Thoughts

Posted in Entertainment, Gaming, Health, Life, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on November 7, 2012 by urbannight

Not everyone will be happy. But I am.

To start with, I’m very pleased with the apparent election outcome.  And not only does it look like Obama won the electoral votes, but they are thinking he probably won the popular vote as well.  They can’t say that officially yet because the counting isn’t done and it seems close enough in some places that they don’t want to commit to that just yet.

At the very very beginning of the primary race, I thought Romney might be a viable Republican option.  But as the primaries continued, and then after the nomination, and after he picked Paul Ryan, (Okay BEFORE he picked Ryan) I knew that I wouldn’t go near him with a 20 foot pole.  Maybe 100 yards would be better.  Isn’t that the distance on a restraining order?

My roommate, on the other hand, is not happy.  He feels as I do.  Only his sentiment is directed at Obama and not Romney.  So he is less happy this morning.

We are both still cranky and ticked off at one member of the wedding party from the weekend.  The fact that she is in a polyamorous relationship doesn’t bother me at all.  She seems to be a happier, stronger, more confident person than when she was with her ex-husband.  So it has been good for her.  What does bother me is that she treated the weekend as an opportunity for everyone else to take care of her little boy.  He is not yet school age. 

I know that it was a special weekend and they let him stay up later than his normal bedtime.  But she left it up to her boyfriend to make him go to bed.  She was too busy drinking and partying with the other members of the wedding party to make sure he got to bed. 

She asked her sister to watch him while they ran some errands in town and took off, without leaving the car seat and everyone wanted to do something that day.  But with no car seat, that meant someone had to stay back to watch the little boy.  And his mom couldn’t be bothered to answer her phone while they were out.  So we couldnt’ get them to drop the seat off or find out where they were so someone could pick up the car seat.

Then, at the wedding dinner, mugs were a party favor and people were told to find a spot based on the mug they wanted.  I put my camera in the spot I wanted.  I was more concerned with not being trapped in the back because I’m mildly agoraphobic.  I don’t like being trapped or surrounded by to many people.  She then comes over to me to say that she and her boyfriend and the other girlfriend are sitting in the three spots on that end.  Of course, then NEVER put down anything to mark those places as occupied. 

Did you notice that she only had three spots?  She never even thought about where her little boy was going to sit.  She was more concerned about her boyfriend.   Basically, he ended up in the only empty seat left.  She also didn’t even bother to make sure he got a plate of dinner.  It’s like he didn’t even exist for her during that dinner.  It was left up to the people around him to make sure he got fed and behaved well.   One of those people was his step-grandpa.   But he was also surprised that the boy’s mother didn’t bother to think about her son that evening.  So it wasn’t like there was an arrangement for him to sit near his grandpa.

It is two days later and I am still pissed off about this behavior.  Not even Election Night was able to distract me from it. 

Looking at photos, ones in which I appear, I hate to see myself.  I used to LOVE to be in front of the camera.  Every time I see a photo, I can’t believe it is me.  I do not see myself as being that huge.  I guess I have some kind of reverse anorexia.  You know, where the person w/ anorexia draws pictures of themselves as huge when they are in reality a walking skeleton.  I know I’m over weight, but my mental image is apparently much smaller than my real body size.  I can’t really reconcile the me I see in photo’s with the me in reality.   Maybe that’s part of the reason I have so much trouble losing weight?  And today the top of my butt cheeks hurt a lot.  No idea why. 

Actually, I think it may be a result from distracting myself from the Polls.  I would watch 15 minutes of a show, pause it, check the Polls, then clean for 5 minutes, and repeat.  So I was up cleaning for 5 minutes out of every 20.  All evening long.  That is a lot of up and down and up and down.  I suppose that could do it.

Back to politics as I remember something else from last night.  I was playing SWTOR in the later evening.  Everyone was doing really really well with NOT talking about politics.  Oh, there was the generic comments about the polls and such, but nothing about political opinions and beliefs. 

Until one idiot decided to announce that anyone who votes for Obama was a traitor.  All we said was that we felt the person was being a bit to extreme.  But the one person kept going on about it.  One person left the guild because of it.  After about half an hour, in which he couldn’t get anyone else to take sides at all, he (that is an assumption there) left the guild.  A comment right after was that if you ignore someone trying to stir things up, it becomes a self-correcting situation. 

A smart rule is to never discuss politics in Guild Chat.  People on both sides get upset.  People trying to ignore the discussion get upset.  In the past, I’ve seen guilds fracture and split in half over politics during election years.  It is too volatile a topic.  It is worse than religion.