Hy-Vee Grocery stores are a rip off.


Far too expensive. You would think they were a high-end store. They aren’t. Just over-priced.

Went to Hy-Vee. Never again. The most over priced ‘regular’ grocery store I’ve ever been too. I only went there because road construction was blocking access to my normal store. I normally go to Bakers or Walmart Marketplace or even Family Fair (formerly No Frills).

The generic items and the sale items and the sale on store brands were all at least .25 cents to a dollar more than the regular prices at all the other stores. A generic brand on sale should never be more than a regular item at any other stores.

Maybe the generic wasn’t on sale, but the prices were so high it was confusing me.  My brain was in knots by the time I left.  I was so pissed off.  I spent about 15 dollars more on my groceries that I should have.  But every place else was really out of my way at the time.

To top it off, they didn’t have a number of things that I can get at any time at any other store. I had to scrap my entire menu for the week and figure out what I was going to have that week based on what they had in the store. These were items that I consider basic staples and would expect to find in any grocery store I walk into.

Second worst shopping experience. Only one that was worse was a trip to an Aldi’s once

2 Responses to “Hy-Vee Grocery stores are a rip off.”

  1. Sandi Miller Says:

    Where I live the Hy Vee is across the road from an ALDI. I don’t know why Hy Vee continues to have their outrageous prices . Many things are a $1 or more higher there than across the street. They are even higher than CUB by 20%. I am fuming about the prices when I leave and usually only go there for a couple of things I can”t get elsewhere but have to pick up a couple more things for the convenience of getting them while I am there so I end up mad about paying WAY too much for those things.

  2. agreed! And I live in Minnesota where I just read that Cub Foods is selling off stores, so it’s more likely that Hy-Vee will purchase more stores. I instantly googled Hyvee a rip off, because I remember the exact same thing: same quality or lower food for .25-1.00 more per item. I won’t shop at Wal-Mart, so I guess I am thankful the Target near me is getting more grocery. Still, we liked out Cub and there is no way we are shopping at Hy-Vee.

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