Archive for Vaccinating

It wasn’t ‘Liberal Idiocy’.

Posted in Health, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , on June 3, 2014 by urbannight

I saw a headline for an article that Liberal Idiocy caused the current measles outbreak. I was not able to read it because I was not able to pull up the actual article.  So I can only write about the title with no knowledge of the actual article.

I have to say I was upset about the title. It has nothing to do with ‘Liberal’ anything. This is a result of people not vaccinating. It isn’t a ‘liberal’ thing for some parents to mistakenly think vaccines cause autism or the belief that people should avoiding vaccines because God is the only healer and sickness is a punishment from God.

I will agree that it is an ‘Idiocy’ thing. That misconception about autism has been repeatedly disproven.  And avoiding medical treatment and medicine in general because of warped religious belief is beyond idiocy.

As a liberal, I am all for vaccinations. I had mine and I don’t see them as a bad thing. Not getting children vaccinated endangers all children.