Archive for Indirect Statement

The Dimmest Bulb in the Box.

Posted in Education, Politics with tags , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , on August 30, 2012 by urbannight

I read this article as my roommate was getting ready for work.  Since I was really early, I tried to access it but it was blocked.  So most of my quotes are not verbatim and therefore not marked out.  The one that is marked may not be exact.  I also don’t have the name of the second party to this comedy.  I suspect he must be a country artist but I never heard of him.

Last night, Clay Aiken made a twitter remark about a new drinking he was playing where they drink every time a black person takes the state at the Republican National Conventions.

Some other artist got all upset because this comment was so racist.  In doing so, he showed his own lack of intelligence as Aiken’s remark was intended to point out the racist nature, in general, of the Republican Party. 

When Aiken didn’t issue an apology, this other man takes another tactic and criticizes Aiken for using a hashtag with the word ‘sober’ in it if he is playing a drinking game. 

Again, he showed that he was a dim bulb.  If you are playing a drinking game in which you drink when something happens, and that something is not happening, then you are not drinking.  In other words, the statement is that the Republican National Convention was a rather white event.

When this other artists of whom I’ve never heard, makes a comment about how we are supposed to be inclusive, Aiken finally responds to him.  He says something to the effect of, “I am [inclusive].  How come your party is not?”

The question becomes, is it racist to use an indirect statement (perhaps as a form of irony) to point out the racist behavior of another group?